The   automatic watering of lawns and especially   with underground sprinklers has several complexities. To make it more understandable brings a design example.
      To begin the study we begin  by providing us
ensure the network at various pressures. To do proper calculations measure the static pressure and supply network at 
various pressures with flow meter .
    Second step is to measure, plan and study the floor plan that will put turf and water points.

The measurement of water flow to the left of the area A for example has the following measurements:
Static pressure four Bar to provide0 l /time
         Pressure 3.5    Bar with >>    750  >>
         >>        3   >> with >>  1000 >>
         >>       2.5 >> with >>  1400 >>
         >>        2   >> with >>  1700 >>
         >>       1.5 >> with >>  1850 >>
         >>        1   >> with >>  2000 >>


                                                                                Third draw on the plan the locations where will the jets and what radius will have everyone.

Between the jets should have an overlap that is wetting the radius of a reach to the base of another. According to the dimensions you need
6 jets radius 6 in area A
6 jets runway surface B
6 jets radius on the 4th surface C and
4 jets radius ten surface D

    Fourthly to study the type of ejector and to provide the

The most famous underground sprinklers we use are:
) static, which project water simultaneously to the entire surface radians.
Spray Heads
B) static multiple rotating beam,  which are very thin water rays that rotate in space
mp rotator
C) Gear, having  a rotating head coarse water jet.

When the surface is elongated lawn sprinklers runway use static or multi-static rotating beam runway
When we need rays up to 3 meters using static equivalent radius
When it is up 5 meters use static analogue beam or multiple static rotating beam
When we need rays over 5 meters use static gear or multiple rotating beam

When the space is   intense winds frequent use jets with low slope water jet and dodge the static multi-rotating beams

When we have strong incline we prefer static multiple rotating beam 

in our plan to use gear surface A runway in the B and C in static gear in D. 

   Regarding the benefits of each jet can study them based on specific tables after each company 
such tables below present certain companies for gear, static multi-ray and static. 

  In Gear depending on the nozzle that will put the head and the pressure flow prevails, will determine the radius and the provision of the ejector. 
 At static and static multiple rotating beam is determined by the head to be screwed in the washer, the angle of surface watering, the flow regulation of each head (no special screw) and the flow pressure.







    Fifthly study solenoid and piping
    adding benefits like sprinklers find the total grant. For example, if a large area providing all the gear has sprinklers sum 8000l / h (liters / hour) and provide our 2300l / h, then 8000/2300 = 3.5. That made ​​rounding would need four solenoid. It is advisable to remove the original provision a 10-20% loss of performance of friction. 
    'll do something similar with our plan after choosing the type of exokteftiron us. For example: On the surface we choose A static multi-rotating beam, the static B multiple rotating beam, the static C and D gear. If the pressure and flow of the network was adequate our plan would look like this:

At first we put a central ilektovana (pink) for security reasons and to prevent fatigue from static pressure all our solenoid. Then after providing us sufficient use a ELECTROVALVE for each group of similar jets. This is to have uniform watering per surface.Each type has a different jet flow per surface and wants different watering time. So we have a ELECTROVALVE (purple) for the surface A-B (mp rotator), a solenoid (red) to C (static) and a solenoid (green) to D (gear). To share provision and pressure evenly to guns is good piping divided into 2 lines and not have jets in series in a row. If the pressure and provide for each surface is not sufficient, then use more solenoid for each surface. 
    Thus according to the hypothetical measurements, the surface S will get information from the tables in the company of Sprinklers to be used. If you use the PGP red nozzle 4 (see table) at a pressure of 2,5 bar will provide us with 300l / h. This nozzle for use 4gonies 90 ° surface M. For the 180 ° two jets must use twice the supply nozzle because the head during rotation of scans twice the surface area in relation to the angles 90 °. So at 2 middle jets will do number nozzle 6 which gives us providing 510lt / h (at a pressure of 2,5 bar). Accordingly the total flow is 4 x 300 + 2 x 510 = 2220 lt / h. The initial hypothetical measurements at the beginning of the article say that the 2,5 bar supply our tap is 1400 lt / h. Removing and a 10-15% friction kataivainei to 1200 lt / h. So 2220/1200 = 1.85 ie 2 solenoid for surface D 
         on the surface A-B will use the 4th MP2000 Rotator  90 ° angles for surface A and others the 2nd MP2000 Rotator  180 ° average. In oblong surface B one MP Rotator STRIP LEFT , one RIGHT STRIP MP Rotator and  the 4th MP Rotator SIDE STRIP . Thus the total flow at 2,5 bar  is: 
the 4th X 86lt / h + 2 X 160lt / h + 1 X 48lt / h + one X 48lt / h + the 4th X 93lt / h = 1132lt / h

Thus 1132/1200 = 0.94 ELECTROVALVE i.e. one for the area A-B

    On the surface C will use the 4 static jets 12A 90  °   and 180 ° 2 of which pressure  2,5 bar supply is 4 x 160lt / h  and 2 x320lt / h  respectively, all 1280lt / h  , while pressure 2 1 bar are providing 4 x 150lt / h and 2 x 290lt / h respectively, all 1180lt / h
Therefore with surface C will need a ELECTROVALVE. 

therefore our plan piping takes the following form making changes only to the network of surface irrigation D:

Regarding the thickness of the pipe that will be used, the following nomogram for polyethylene pipes gives pressure losses in kpa / m (or bar/100m) which will have with respect to flow rate and tube thickness:
Each left are the values ​​of pressure loss kPa / m or bar/100m. Horizontally below the supply pipe (liters / second) and the diagonal lineage we show the values ​​of the equations for each tube separately depending on the outer diameter of tube (mm) and the thickness of the plastic wall is constructed. 
Example: 100m tubing 25mm wall thickness 2,3 mm when watered 0,4 lt / sec (1440lt / h) has 1bar pressure loss for anyone struggling to understand:

Referenced providers according to the lumen are: 
F16: 580 liters / hour  
20mm: 1100 liters / hour  
F25: 1800 liters / hour 
F32: 3050 liters / hour  
F40: 5400 liters / hour  
F50: 8400 liters / hour  
(These benefits are calculated 4atm pressure to the water source ( faucet). 
4atm The pressure is the average pressure in the water mains.)  

     In our project we will use 25mm pipe for green ilekrovanes, 25mm for the red and the path will split in 2 pipe F20.Telos purple ELECTROVALVE solinaF25 at first and course in 2 tubes 20mm. 

After we finish our study we buy the materials we need. 
 'll need: 
5 solenoid (1 master + 4 more) 
1 Developer supply 4 stops 
6klono cable 
one well to the solenoid 
wiring materials 
piping (120m 25mm, 60m 20mm and 16mm 30m) 

If we do not have current will be forced to put special solenoid with integrated programmer battery. 

primed for underground piping dig a groove depth 30cm with the appropriate course and place the pipes. Good guns are not linked directly to these pipes but indirectly through 16mm pipe with a length of about 1m. Thus the emitter would have the flexibility to be placed and moved more easily to the point and the depth we want. 
  For wiring will cut the pipe about 1m distance from where you will get the jets, and the syndesmologisoume tees with lock female. In female thread will tighten, putting teflon angle PLUG male (blowjob) aketallis (not polyethylene). This will connect approximately 1m 16mm tube. To get the tube well to plug rotates from side to side to pinching the inner walls of the pipe firmly in the grooves of the plug. At the other end of the tube connects the emitters through pipe aketallis. The launcher now has the convenience of being placed on the point that we want and we want depth. Anti lock tees for female central tube Ø32 and above and use another material connection called <saddle>, but in smaller tubes of F32 will recommend kitten often presents dangers leak either during installation or after some years.


 If the central tube is in the finish, use a contractile lock and connect with F16

Once you finish the circuits with their guns, bury local pipes leaving visible signs of links to the later make sure that there are no leaks. At this point we have chosen to put the solenoid, dig at the appropriate depth
and with the help headers fittings join the solenoid parallel and connect with central piping jets. Before the headers put a master valve which connect the mains. Also the mains is good to put a central ELECTROVALVE (master valve) for security reasons.

Then protect the solenoid in the well in order to have easy access and control. In the bottom of the well and put geotextile chaliki not to put mud.

Then places the central programmer on a wall in a protected location near a power supply and spend polyclonal cable from the programmer to the ilekrovanes and doing the appropriate compounds SHARES with the instructions of programatisti
Opens the solenoid and verification if we have leaks in wiring. Making sure there are no leakage problems bury all pipes. Then control run and regulate sprinklers watered properly

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